A fresh, broad bouquet, rich with hints of flowers, green apple and delicate notes of sage. In the mouth it is fresh, with an almond finish. A great aperitif or light pasta dishes, risotto, and fish in general.
Roero is characterized by the “rocche”, steep reliefs that cut the territory dividing the continental soils, based on river gravels and clays, from those of marine origin, where vines find their ideal conditions. The indigenous Arneis variety produces a dry, delicate white wine with excellent drinkability.
Manual harvest in mid-September, when ripening has reached the optimum point. Vinification in stainless steel for 4-5 months at low temperature. After cold stabilization, the wine is bottled in late spring.
92/100 Cameron Douglas MS, December 2024 (2023 Vintage)
"A classic bouquet of mineral and fruit spice, citrus then white stone fruits, a whisper of almond and pressed flowers. Dry with a moderately firm texture accentuated by the acid line and very fine chalky fruit tannins. Fruit flavours reflect the bouquet, a wine that offers enjoyment alongside crunchy summer fare. best from 2025 through 2028+."