Jacky Blot discovered wine as a junior pâtissier while working at a restaurant in Paris in his younger days. Eventually deciding to follow the winemaking track in life, he ultimately came to acquire the Domaine la Taille aux Loups in Montlouis-sur-Loire, some twenty years ago, and eventually added the Domaine de la Butte in Bourgueil to his portfolio. The two appellations both reside along the Loire and perhaps do not have the same notoriety as their kissing cousins, Vouvray and Chinon. But what Jacky does is extremely special and his wines rival the quality levels of many of those more famous regions' top producers.
This is juicy, lightly peppery, bright and elegantly smooth Cabernet Franc which is wonderful in its youth. The fruit comes from the bottom part of the slope, hence 'Pied' – foot. This is in contrast to the mid-slope fruit goes into the age-worthy, denser 'Mi-Pente' cuvée. Some vines at the bottom are as old as 80 years, so although the wine is juicy, upfront, and invitingly drinkable, the finish is sustained and persistent with old vine intensity taking this above a simple easy-drinking wine. It’s got a wonderful sour cherry note, with lightly smoky notes.